Mobile Shopping Summit 2016 (past event)
October 17 - 19, 2016
1 888.482.6012
Download the Agenda
Download the Mobile Shopping 2016 Agenda
Day 1: Rewriting The Revenue Rules: From Mobile-First To Mobile-Only
Retail is now an industry dominated by mobile. Sometimes its easy to forget that just two years ago, most of us were envisioning a multi-device world where people would discover on the smartphone, browse on the tablet and land back on the desktop to buy. But we were wrong- the largest growth area in online & offline shopping is mobile-only consumers. Day two is the day you respond to the mobile majority. Day two is the day you revitalize your digital shopping experience & look at revenue differently.
Day 2: Mobile Agility & Customer Centricity
Your gut is already telling you that customer experience is the doorway to success. And mobile is the key to open it. But how can you overcome device specific functionality hurdles in the short term, while creating a seamless, scalable and efficient experience in the long term? Day two is the day you level functionality and usability of web presence across all channels and devices.
Day 3: Think Big To Win Big
Exponential technology advances, greater consumer power and increased competition leave every retailer at risk of being left behind. To get ahead in mobile, you have to think big and consistently execute like a champion. You must have concrete digital initiatives and teach staff to have a mindset of experimentation, while creating an atmosphere of collaboration amongst cross-functional teams. Day three is the day that you get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
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